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Our son is Santa’s person.

My son is Santa’s  favourite companion. Whenever my son returns from the university every weekend, Santa’s raunchy welcome  the moment he stepped into the house  is very heartwarming , jumping and licking him all over, to cool down this hyper active action takes some coaching.

Santa’s will follow him to his room and stay there for the whole day. At time I felt jealous, I have been taking care of this crazy Santa, feeding and walking him without fail daily including weekend.
However, I do not play ball  or engage in any rough horse-play with him. Santa is a very active dog,  this activity with my son suit him well.    As a result our relation is relative formal.

Loving our dog or Humanising it


We love our dogs very much. However I feel uncomfortable when I notice my wife trying to humanise our dog. Conducting conversation and having small talk with our dogs. Her action makes me feel as if I am neglecting her.
Sentences like “ why is your tail dropping ,is mom  neglecting you……………..
”did your sister bully you to day” and the word “sister refers to Teddy our Female chow chow.
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Whenever she is in the kitchen, our 2 dogs will be  laying the kitchen floor, and she will talks to our dogs as she prepare the meal. It is an amusing scene, our dogs will cock their heads to one side with a puzzle look. 
Her care and devotion to our dogs is equivalent to her devotion taking care of our son when he was young and that was 10 plus years ago. Our son is now in  the U  and only return home once a week and my constant  outstation trips do have an effect on her. I am glad our 2 obedience chow chows is providing her some comfort during her lonely time. One unique action that Teddy has which I find puzzling is her sensitivity to her mood, if my wife is angry or rise her voice, Teddy will immediately curl around her and  tap her pawl on her  leg to comfort her. This is the best sedative, once Teddy pat her pawl against her legs she will cool down immediately and she will pat Teddy on the head.

A feel time when Teddy lost her appetite and does not take her good, she will fry an egg and add it to her food. The  aromatic smell of fresh fried egg,  is highly effective to turn on Teddy’s appetite.

Whenever she grooms our dogs, she will examines  closely their ears and the various parts of their body, her close attention to details  have  help to save a fair amount of Vet bills. Smelly ears and rashes was taken care off immediately.